Environmental Policy

Green Wells Energies > Environmental Policy

Our commitment to environmental sustainability

We commit to ensure, as far as is reasonably attainable, the safety of all our stakeholders who may be directly or indirectly affected by the activities of our company; that our products and services shall be environmentally sustainable.

Green Wells Energies Ltd is committed to the following

  1. Protecting the Environment:
    • We will ensure that significant environmental risks arising from work activities under our control are eliminated or adequately controlled including preventing pollution, through responsible management of our operations.
    • We will integrate and prioritize the environmental sustainability policy when making future planning and investment decisions.
    • We will design and redesign products that are environmentally friendly and always strive to reduce their adverse environmental impact during production, use and disposal.
  1. Compliance with environmental obligations:
    • Green Wells Energies ltd will comply and implement to satisfaction all appropriate environmental obligations, including taking a proactive approach regarding environmental legislation that affect our business by ensuring safe/best work practices.
  1. Environmental awareness programs
    • Green Wells Energies Ltd shall continuously inform and occasionally train our employees about environmental issues that may affect their work and encourage them to work in an environmentally responsible manner
    • Develop and maintain environmental management programs with objectives and targets to minimize adverse environmental impacts and measure progress towards our environmental goals in order to continually improve our environmental performance.